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The Induction Site

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Commercial Gear

"It is time to choose."
—Wallace Stevens

Quick page jumps:

Induction Gear For Professionals

professional cook at work

The professional food preparer needs the best available equipment. Today, that means induction equipment. Induction offers the same one big virtue gas has--instant adjustability--but with countless advantages, including especially very little wasted heat, so that busy commercial kitchens can be far cooler. (To better understand what induction is, how it works, and what its advantages over gas are, please visit our pages How Induction Works and The Pros and Cons.)

This page lists most, possibly all (we try hard to find them) North American suppliers of induction-cooking equipment intended for commercial use, and, of course, of the units they supply. Su h makes supply both build-in units and free-standing (countertop) units. Each sort has its uses and place--freestanding units are, of course, needed for applications where the preparer has to go to the location, as with catering, but are also invaluable in front-of-house uses, where they have the special virtue of running cool and of being much safer for patrons (no accidental burns from merely touching the unit).

(Note: There are numerous companies in China and elsewhere throughout the Orient that offer supposedly certified induction units for import to the U.S.; owing to the great number of such companies and the difficulty of obtaining accurate data on them and their units, they are not at this time included in these listings.)

Please note that we ourselves sell (as affiliates) quite a bit of the equipment listed here, and we hope you will take advantage of that availability. (Please read our page here on how and why we select our retail partners for unit sales); this site is much more a labor of love than a business; but we do nonetheless hope you will see fit to patronize us for your induction-cooking equipment needs.

Commercial-Induction Makers

this page under construction

We are working diligently to add detailed listings. We already have complete, nicely formatted data from many makers, such as the extensive Cooktek line, and for most of the rest, we have all the data on their lines, just not yet in the tidy display format we prefer (though still quite readable). But in all cases we provide a link to the maker's home web page for induction equipment, so even for those we are still working on, you can see what the maker has to say.

The format of the table below is simple enough: the name of the company, a link to its own web page, and a link to the page here (if there is one) detailing that maker and its induction products. That is not sheer duplication: we have, in many cases, gone to other sources than the makers' pages to seek out odds and ends of data that the maker didn't feel obliged to put on its pages; also, we have scoured the web for the lowest prices we can find on each unit, so you can see not only about what it costs, but what is in fact a very low--probably the lowest--price out there. (We can't guarantee each is the lowest because we "only" looked at up to a dozen sources, if that many carried the item, to find the prices.)

As time goes by, we will be re-working the maker pages so as to clean up and condense the data presentations; but even now, all the key facts are already there.

Note again that these are suppliers regularly dealing with U.S. sales: there are several high-cost makers in Europe who will (usually at your expense) fly over and design custom induction-based installations for you-- Bonnet, MenuSystems, and who knows how many more--but if you want gear from them, you'll have to look that up elsewhere.

(The list below is in simple alphabetic order.)

Our Page
for this company
Company Web Site,
induction page
Adcraft (no page here yet - coming soon) Adcraft web site
Avantco (no page here yet - coming soon) Avantco web site [no induction items listed on site, but are sold]
Bon Chef (no page here yet - coming soon) Bon Chef web site
Boswell (no page here yet - coming soon) Boswell web site
Buffet Enhancements Buffet Enhancements page here Buffet Enhancements web site
Caso Caso page here Caso web site
Centaur Centaur page here Centaur web site
Cooktek Cooktek page here Cooktek web site
Dipo Dipo page here Dipo web site
Diva de Provence Diva de Provence page here Diva de Provence web site
Electrolux Professional: Electrolux Professional page here Electrolux Professional web site
Eurodib Eurodib page here Eurodib web site
Forbes Industries Forbes Industries page here Forbes Industries web site
Garland Garland page here Garland web site
Globe Commercial Pro page here Globe web site
Iwatani Iwatani page here Iwatani web site
Lakeside (no page here yet - coming soon) Lakeside web site
Lang (no page here yet - coming soon) Lang web site
Max Burton (Aervoe Industries) Max Burton page here Aervoe web site
Montague Montague page here Montague web site
Omcan (no page here yet - coming soon) Omcan web site
Spring Spring page here Spring web site
Tarrison Tarrison page here Tarrison web site
Tomlinson Tomlinson page here Tomlinson web site
Update International Update page here Update International web site
Vollrath Vollrath page here Vollrath web site



Perhaps interested in growing some of your own vegetables and fruits to cook with? Click here to visit the Growing Taste gourmet home-gardening web site!
Like wine with your food (or on its own)? Click here to visit That Useful Wine Site: advice & recommendations for both novices and experts.

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This page was last modified on Monday, 22 January 2024, at 12:46 am Pacific Time.