"This extraordinary metal, the soul of every manufacture, and the mainspring perhaps of civilized society."
—Samuel Smiles
(Been to this page before and want to cut the cackle and jump right to the price/buy pages list? Sure: just click here.)
Quick page jumps:
Cast iron is one of the oldest materials for cookware, and remains to this hour one of the best. It is, of course, admirably suited for use on induction-cooking units, but it is valued by good cooks for its general usefulness. Cast-iron cookware is superb for any cooking task whatever that does not require rapid changes in cooking temperature. Iron is a material that has a high "thermal inertia": it is fairly slow to heat, but once at a temperature it tends to hold that temperature solid and steady.
Cast-iron skillets are the original—and, most feel, still clearly the best—"non-stick" cooking vessels ever. A properly seasoned cast-iron skillet (we'll discuss "seasoning" in a moment) is felt by most cooks to be better than any of the modern "non-stick" coated cookware items at allowing, well, "non-stick" cooking.
Cast iron is also as rugged as, yes, iron. With only modest care, cast iron can last for generations; not a few families are still happily cooking with cast-iron cookware bought by an ancestor over a century ago.
The two drawbacks to cast iron are these: first, it is not well suited for those few cooking tasks in which the temperature of cooking must be changed fairly rapidly—slow to heat is also slow to cool. Second, though rather less important, it is fairly heavy.
What makes cast iron so wonderful, almost magical, as a cooking material is the application of "seasoning". Seasoning cast iron has acquired an aura almost of the mystic, as if it were some esoteric technique known only to masters. Nonsense. It is simple, easily begun and easily maintained. Seasoning consists simply in applying and "baking on" some fatty oil applied to the vessel's surfaces. As time goes on, and more oil is more solidly baked in, those surfaces acquire an almost silken smoothness. One begans, with a "raw" new item of cast iron (after giving it a light hand washing) by coating its surfaces, inside and out, with a light covering of cooking oil, then placing the vessel upside down in an oven pre-heated to 350° (spread some aluminum foil on the floor of the over to catch any drips) and letting it bake for about an hour—leave it in the oven after that till the oven and it are thoroughly cooled down. The end. That wasn't so hard, was it?
Nonetheless, this being the Age of Convenience, you no longer even have to do that little bit that gramma, starting from scratch with raw, new cast iron: you now buy already pre-seasoned cast iron! Most cooks find the pre-seasoned just fine and ready to use right out of the box, but perfectionists sometimes like to apply yet further seasoning (cast iron can be endlessly seasoned, each application making its surface even silkier-smooth). Also, one likes to refresh or renew the seasoning from time to time. Fortunately, none of that is difficult. We have an extensive page here explaining at great length exactly how to season, re-season, and generally care for cast-iron cookware.
Just remember to never wash the vessel (with soap or detergent, that is)—just rinse it with hot water and scrub it a bit with a stiff-bristled brush; after that, while it's still warm, lightly wipe a little more oil over the surfaces and store the item (preferably in a cool, dry place). It helps the process if you repeat, especially when the item is still fairly new, the oven treatment. A new, just-first-seasoned pan will not yet have achieved its final smoothness, so don't expect things like pancakes to at once cook non-stick. But before long, you'll have something much better—and much healthier!—than any whosis-lon pans.
Whatever you do, do not ever put a still-hot cast-iron item into or under cold water! Sheer common sense ought to preclude such an act—which will almost surely crack the iron—but common sense isn't always common.)
And if not using soap or a detergent seems "unhealthy", just remember that the vessel is automatically sterilized by the cooking heat. In fact, cast iron is a deal "healthier" for you than most or all other cooking materials.)
Another form of cast-iron cookware is enamelled cast iron. Enamelware is all those big, solid, super-brightly colored pots and Dutch ovens—delightful to cook with and delightful just to look at. Enamelware has all the virtues of cast iron itself, plus the permanent surface of baked enamel that hardly ever needs any care. Basic cast iron is almost ridiculously inexpensive compared to most other cooking materials; enamelled is a bit pricier, but many people consider one or more enamelled cast-iron pots to be an absolute necessity in every kitchen. And, again, this stuff lasts forever: amortize the cost over a lifetime (though it will outlast you and me), and it's not expensive at all.
We get asked a lot about using cast-iron cooking vessels on the ceramic-glass surface that all induction-cooking units use: does it scratch? Can one cook using "pan-slide" techniques without scratching the surface? Lodge cautions that their non-enamel cast-iron cookware (and this would likely apply to all cast-iron cookware except, of course, enamelled cast iron) might cause scratching, as the bottom of a cast-iron piece is naturally rougher or grittier than, say, stainless steel, and anecdotal evidence strongly supports the realistic possibility of such scratching. But . . . this is induction—no flames! We thus need to think outside the box. If you have a cast-iron skillet and want to cook something using the pan-slide method, just put a sheet of some heat-resistant (and non-metallic) substance under it. The obvious choice is parchment paper; though one maker (Reynolds) says it can be used "at temperatures up to 420°F", Cook's Illustrated referred to its being "enormously resistant to high temperatures"; many widely published recipes using parchment paper call for baking at 450°F and we've even seen pizza recipes calling for parchment paper in an over at 500°F to 550°F. All in all, it seems unlikely that the temperature of a skillet bottom would be a problem for parchment paper (and its silicon coating makes it slick and so, presumably, easy to slide a pan on). While we haven't yet had opportunity to test it ourselves, we feel confident it would work fine in this use. Parchment paper is relatively inexpensive—only a tad more than ordinary waxed paper—and universally available (and is a handy thing to have in a kitchen anyway); Cook's likes the Reynolds brand.
(The "autoignition temperature" of a substance is the lowest temperature at which it will spontaneously combust in a normal atmosphere without an external source of ignition, such as a flame. The autoignition temperature of even ordinary paper is 451°F (233°C)—as is well known from the title of the famous Ray Bradbury novel Fahrenheit 451—so parchment paper ought to fill the bill here just fine.)
There is also an almost comically simple alternative for a more permanent fix. It's one of those ideas like the safety pin or the paper clip: blindingly obvious in hindsight, but not apparent at once. Just sandpaper the pan or pot bottom smooth! Readers have reported to us that they have done just that, with excellent results. We don't have details, but we'd guess that two grades of sandpaper, a coarse then a fine for polishing off, would do the job. (If you've done this, please email us with exactly how you did it.)
With some cookware, there are serious cooks who will debate the relative virtues of this brand over that. With bare cast iron, it's Lodge, by consensus (indeed, it would be hard to even find any by anyone else). With enamelware, while there's that high-priced French line whose name some like to drop (OK, Le Creuset), just about everyone seems to feel that Lodge's enamelware is at least as good, possibly even better—and it's a lot less expensive.
The Lodge company has been in business since 1896, and an awful lot of their products even from the early days are still in active use.
Today, Lodge has several lines of cookware. All of their cast iron now comes "pre-seasoned", which implies ready to use; though you really should touch up the seasoning yourself, that's a lot easier than starting from scratch with an unseasoned pan! And besides plain cast iron, Lodge also has a fine selection of enamelware, plus now some items of seasoned carbon steel (which also work on induction) and a set of stainless-steel utensils (not offered individually)—all that plus a handful of useful little accessories, such as the scrub brushes so handy for properly cleaning cast-iron cookware.
Presented below are all the Lodge items we offer for sale. Even though this site is focussed on stovetop cooking, we present the entire Lodge, which includes bakeware, serving and tabletop items, and camping gear, simply because it seems silly to leave things out that someone might want—indeed, a good number of the items, such as Dutch ovens and casseroles, can do duty stovetop or in the oven. (We perforce omit a few minor items—on a given day, maybe half a dozen total—from the full spectrum that are not currently available through our supplier for Lodge, which is Amazon; since we automatically re-check price and availability every day, if those few items do show up back in stock, they'll be added in to these lists at once.)
(We obviously cannot absolutely, positively guarantee that on any given day for any given item our price will be the very lowest on the internet at that moment, but it usually will be, and the differences will never be much. A zillion retailers carry Lodge, and prices shift day to day at many; we use Amazon and the many merchants who go through Amazon, and our price will always be the lowest that can be had through either Amazon or a merchant on Amazon—and our experience is that those prices, with shipping figured in—unduly high "S&H" costs being one way many small retailers clip a profit margin onto "low prices"—are just about always the best around, plus you know Amazon stands behind the deal.)
For your convenience, you can also use the links below to jump to a particular spot in the table where a given Lodge line's listings start. (Note that the lines are color-coded in the headings and that little stripe down the left side.)
CAST IRON: Skillets & Covers |
Lodge L10CF3:![]() |
Chicken Fryer: 5-Quart, 12" Diameter, 3¼" Deep, w/12" cover Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge L10DSK3:![]() |
Skillet: 5-Quart, 12" Diameter, 3¼" Deep, w/assist handle Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge L10SK3:![]() |
Skillet: 12" Diameter, 2" Deep, w/assist handle Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge L12SK3:![]() |
Skillet: 13¼" Diameter, 2¼" Deep, w/assist handle Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge L14SK3:![]() |
Skillet: 15" Diameter, 2¼" Deep, w/assist handle Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge L17SK3:![]() |
Skillet: 17" Diameter, 2¾" Deep, w/assist handle (no pouring lips) Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge L3SK3:![]() |
Skillet: 6½" Diameter, 1¼" Deep Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge L5SK3:![]() |
Skillet: 8" Diameter, 1¾" Deep Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge L5WS3:![]() |
Skillet: Square, 5" x 5", ¾" Deep Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge L6SK3:![]() |
Skillet: 9" Diameter, 1¾" Deep Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge L8CF3:![]() |
Chicken Fryer: 3-Quart, 10¼" Diameter, 3" Deep, w/10¼" w/cover Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge L8DSK3:![]() |
Skillet: 3-Quart, 10¼" Diameter, 3" Deep, w/assist handle Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge L8SK3:![]() |
Skillet: 10¼" Diameter, 2" Deep, w/assist handle Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge L8SQ3:![]() |
Skillet: Square, 10½" x 10½", 1¾" Deep Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge LCS3:![]() |
Skillet: 10" Diameter, 1¾" Deep w/assist handle (no pouring lips) Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge P10S3:![]() |
Skillet: 10" Diameter, 15/8" Deep w/assist handle (no pouring lips) Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge P12S3:![]() |
Skillet: 12" Diameter, 2" Deep w/assist handle (no pouring lips) Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
CAST IRON: Dutch Ovens |
Lodge L10DO3:![]() |
Dutch Oven with spiral bail handle and iron cover: 7-Quart, 12" Diameter, 4¾" Deep, bail handle Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge L10DOL3:![]() |
Dutch Oven with loop handles and iron cover: 7-Quart, 12" Diameter, 4¾" Deep, loop handles Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge L12DO3:![]() |
Dutch Oven with spiral bail handle and iron cover: 9-Quart, 13¼" Diameter, 4¾ Deep, bail handle Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge L2SP3:![]() |
Serving Pot with Iron Cover: 2-Quart, 8" Diameter, 27/8" Deep, loop handles Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge L8DD3:![]() |
Double Dutch Oven: 5-Quart, 10¼" Diameter, lid 1½" Deep Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge L8DO3:![]() |
Dutch Oven with spiral bail handle and iron cover: 5-Quart, 10¼" Diameter, 4½" Deep, bail handle Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge L8DOL3:![]() |
Dutch Oven with loop handles and iron cover: 5-Quart, 10¼" Diameter, 4½" Deep, loop handles Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge LCC3:![]() |
Combo Cooker: 3-Quart, lid doubles as skillet, 16½" Long x 10⅜" Wide x 4⅝" High, assist handle Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge P10D3:![]() |
Dutch Oven: 4-Quart, 10" Diameter, 4" Deep Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge P12D3:![]() |
Dutch Oven: 7-Quart, 12" Diameter, 5" Deep Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
CAST IRON: Grill Pans & Griddles |
Lodge L8GP3:![]() |
Round Grill Pan: 10¼" Diameter, 17/8" Deep, ribbed interior Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge L8SGP3:![]() |
Square Grill Pan: 10½" square, 1¾" Deep, ribbed interior Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge L9OG3:![]() |
Round Griddle: 10½" Diameter, ½" Deep Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge LDP3:![]() |
Reversible Grill/Griddle: 16¾" x 9½", 9/16" Deep, covers 2 elements Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge LPGI3:![]() |
Reversible Pro-Grid Iron Griddle: 20" x 107/16", 7/8" Deep Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge LSRG3:![]() |
Single-Element Reversible Griddle: 10½" Square, 13/16" Deep Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge P12SG3:![]() |
Square Griddle: 12" square, ¾" Deep, ribbed interior Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge P12SGR3:![]() |
Square Grill Pan: 12" square, ¾" Deep Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
CAST IRON: Specialty Cookware |
Lodge H3SK:![]() |
Skillet: 12⅝" Wide x 8⅝" Long x 2" High Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge H5MIC:![]() |
Skillet Lid: 5" Diameter, fits Lodge H5MS & HCK Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge H5MS:![]() |
Skillet: 5⅛" Wide x 7¾ Long x 1⅛" High Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge H5SK:![]() |
Skillet: 7¾" Wide x 12⅝" Long x 1⅛" High Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge HCK:![]() |
Country Kettle: 16 oz., 4⅞" Diameter, 3⅛" High Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge HGSK:![]() |
Skillet: Guitar-Shaped, 4¾" Wide x 10⅞" Long x ⅞" High Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge LFIP3:![]() |
Flat-Iron Grill Press: 8¼" Square Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge LGP3:![]() |
Rectangular Grill Press: 6¾" x 4½" Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge LGPR3:![]() |
Round Grill Press: 7½" Diameter Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge LMS3:![]() |
Mini-Skillet: 3½" Diameter Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge LPP3:![]() |
Ribbed Panini Press: 8¼" Square Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge P14W3:![]() |
Wok: 14" Diameter, 4¼" Deep Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
CAST IRON: Tabletop Items |
Lodge LAT3:![]() |
Spoonrest (or ash tray): 3½" Diameter Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge HOSD:![]() |
Oval Server: 36-Ounce, 12½" Long x 7" Wide x 2½" Deep Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge HM16OS:![]() |
Oval Mini-Server: 16 oz., 5⅜" Wide x 8¼" Long x 2¼" High Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge HMSB:![]() |
Round Mini-Server: 12 oz., 6⅝" Wide x 5" Long x 2⅜" High Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge HMSOV:![]() |
Oval Mini-Server: 9 oz., 4⅞" Wide x 8" Long x 1⅛" High Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge HMSRC:![]() |
Rectangular Mini-Server: 10 oz., 4¼" Wide x 7½" Long x 1¾" High Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge HMSRD:![]() |
Round Mini-Server: 14 oz., 8¼" Wide x 6⅜" Long x 1⅝" High Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge HMSS:![]() |
Square Mini-Server: 10 oz., 6½" Wide x 5" Long x 1¾" High Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
CAST IRON: Bakeware |
Lodge L27C3:![]() |
Cornstick Pan: 7-Stick, 12" x 5½" Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge L4LP3:![]() |
Loaf Pan: 10¼" x 5-1/8", 27/8" Deep Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge L527C3:![]() |
Cornstick Pan: 5-stick, 8½" x 5½" Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge L5P3:![]() |
Muffin Pan: 7½" x 5¼", 1½" Deep Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge L7B3:![]() |
Mini Cake Pan: 12¾" x 113/16", 1" Deep Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge L8CB3:![]() |
Wedge Pan: 9" Diameter, Impression 3½" X 1" Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge LJSCP3:![]() |
Jumbo Chef’s Platter: 12" Deep x 15" Wide Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge P14P3:![]() |
Baking Pan: 14" Diameter Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge P7A3:![]() |
Aebleskiver Pan: 9" Diameter, 1¼" Deep Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
ENAMELWARE: Dutch Ovens & Casseroles |
Lodge E3AP40:![]() |
Apple Pot: 3-Quart, 87/8" Diameter, 5" Deep, Patriot Red Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge E3AP50:![]() |
Apple Pot: 3-Quart, 87/8" Diameter, 5" Deep, Apple Green Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge EC1D43:![]() |
Dutch Oven: 1½-Quart, 7" Diameter, 4⅞" Deep, Red Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge EC3CC33:![]() |
Covered Casserole: 3-Quart, 11¾" Diameter, 21/8" Deep, Caribbean Blue Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge EC3CC43:![]() |
Covered Casserole: 3-Quart, 11¾" Diameter, 21/8" Deep, Island Spice Red Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge EC3D33:![]() |
Dutch Oven: 3-Quart, 9¾" Diameter, 3" Deep, Caribbean Blue Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge EC3D43:![]() |
Dutch Oven: 3-Quart, 9¾" Diameter, 3" Deep, Island Spice Red Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge EC4D33:![]() |
Dutch Oven: 4½-Quart, 10" Diameter, 4" Deep, Caribbean Blue Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge EC4D43:![]() |
Dutch Oven: 4½-Quart, 10" Diameter, 4" Deep, Island Spice Red Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge EC6D13:![]() |
Dutch Oven: 4½-Quart, 10" Diameter, 4" Deep, Oyster Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge EC6D33:![]() |
Dutch Oven: 6-Quart, 10¾" Diameter, 4½" Deep, Caribbean Blue Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge EC6D38:![]() |
Dutch Oven: 6-Quart, 10¾" Diameter, 4½" Deep, "Lagoon" Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge EC6D43:![]() |
Dutch Oven: 6-Quart, 10¾" Diameter, 4½" Deep, Island Spice Red Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge EC6D53:![]() |
Dutch Oven: 6-Quart, 10¾" Diameter, 4½" Deep, Emerald Green Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge EC6D68:![]() |
Dutch Oven: 6-Quart, 10¾" Diameter, 4½" Deep, Poppy Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge EC6D93:![]() |
Dutch Oven: 6-Quart, 10¾" Diameter, 4½" Deep, Purple Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge EC7D33:![]() |
Dutch Oven: 7½-Quart, 12" Diameter, 4¾" Deep, Caribbean Blue Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge EC7D43:![]() |
Dutch Oven: 7½-Quart, 12" Diameter, 4¾" Deep, Island Spice Red Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge EC7OD13:![]() |
Dutch Oven: 7-Quart, 15⅛" Long x 10¼ Wide x 7⅛" High, Oyster Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge EC7OD43:![]() |
Dutch Oven: 7-Quart, 15⅛" Long x 10¼ Wide x 7⅛" High, Red Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge ECMCR11:![]() |
Mini-Cocotte Set: 10-Ounce, Round, Set of 2, Black Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge ECMCR43:![]() |
Mini-Cocotte Set: 10-Ounce, Round, Set of 2, Red Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge ECSSK:![]() |
Replacement Knob: for Dutch-oven lids & Panini Presses Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
ENAMELWARE: Skillets, Grill Pans, & Presses |
Lodge EC11S33:![]() |
Skillet: 11" Diameter, 1¾" Deep, Caribbean Blue Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge EC11S43:![]() |
Skillet: 11" Diameter, 1¾" Deep, Island Spice Red Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge ECPP33:![]() |
Panini Press: 8¼" x 8¾", Caribbean Blue Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge ECPP43:![]() |
Panini Press: 8¼" x 8¾", Island Spice Red Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge ECSGP33:![]() |
Square Grill Pan: 10" square, 1½" Deep, Caribbean Blue Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge ECSGP43:![]() |
Square Grill Pan: 10" square, 1½" Deep, Island Spice Red Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge ECSSK:![]() |
Replacement Knob: for Dutch-oven lids & Panini Presses Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge CRS10:![]() |
Seasoned Steel Skillet: 10" Diameter Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge CRS12:![]() |
Seasoned Steel Skillet: 12" Diameter Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge CRS15:![]() |
Seasoned Steel Skillet: 15" Diameter, loop handles Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge CRS8:![]() |
Seasoned Steel Skillet: 8" Diameter Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge CRSGP12:![]() |
Grilling Pan: 15⅞" x 12⅛", 1" Deep Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge CRSGR11:![]() |
Griddle: 20" x 11", 2¾" Deep Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge CRSGR18:![]() |
Griddle: 20¾" x 10¼", 1⅛" Deep Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge LFSR3:![]() |
Fajita Set: oval fajita griddle 10"L x 7"W plus wooden underliner, mitt, & recipe book Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge LMPK:![]() |
Sauce Kit: 14-Ounce, 4½" Diameter, 2½" Deep, plus brush & cookbook Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge LSC3SET:![]() |
Chef's Platter Set: rectangular griddle & wooden underliner, 13¾" Long x 9¾" Wide x 1" High Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge 10FB2:![]() |
Fry Basket: 10½", 1 lb. (fits 7-quart Dutch Ovens) Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge 12FB2:![]() |
Fry Basket: 11½", 1 lb. (fits 9-quart Dutch Ovens) Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge 2HH2:![]() |
Hot-Handle Mitt: 2-pack, Black/White and Red/White Stripe Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge 2HHC2:![]() |
Hot-Handle Mitt: 2-pack, Chili-Pepper Print on Black Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge 2HHCAM2:![]() |
Hot-Handle Mitt: 2-pack, Camouflage Coloring Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge 2HHMC2:![]() |
Hot-Handle Mitt: 2-pack, Multicolor Pepper Print on Black Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge 8FB2:![]() |
Fry Basket: 9", 1 lb. (fits 5-quart Dutch Ovens) Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge A5-2:![]() |
Leather Gloves: 1 pair, brushed red leather, lined Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge A5-ACAM:![]() |
Apron: Adjustable, Pocket, Camouflage Color Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge A5-AEGG:![]() |
Apron: Adjustable, Pocket, Egg Color Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge AS6S11:![]() |
Silicone Square Pot Holder: 5-7/8" x 5-7/8", Black Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge AS6S21:![]() |
Silicone Square Pot Holder: 5-7/8" x 5-7/8", Yellow Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge AS6S31:![]() |
Silicone Square Pot Holder: 5-7/8" x 5-7/8", Blue Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge AS6S41:![]() |
Silicone Square Pot Holder: 5-7/8" x 5-7/8", Red Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge AS6S51:![]() |
Silicone Square Pot Holder: 5-7/8" x 5-7/8", Green Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge AS6S61:![]() |
Silicone Square Pot Holder: 5-7/8" x 5-7/8", Orange Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge AS7S01:![]() |
Square Silicone Trivet w/Black Skillets Logo: 7" x 7", White Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge AS7S21:![]() |
Square Silicone Trivet w/Black Skillets Logo: 7" x 7", Yellow Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge AS7S41:![]() |
Square Silicone Trivet w/Black Skillets Logo: 7" x 7", Red Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge AS7S51:![]() |
Square Silicone Trivet w/Black Skillets Logo: 7" x 7", Green Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge ASAHH11:![]() |
Silicone Assist Handle Holder: 5-5/8" x 2", Black Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge ASAHH31:![]() |
Silicone Assist Handle Holder: 5-5/8" x 2", Blue Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge ASAHH41:![]() |
Silicone Assist Handle Holder: 5-5/8" x 2", Red Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge ASCRHH11:![]() |
Silicone Hot-Handle Holder: 5-5/8" x 2", Black, for seasoned-steel pans Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge ASCRHH41:![]() |
Silicone Hot-Handle Holder: 5-5/8" x 2", Red, for seasoned-steel pans Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge ASCRHH61:![]() |
Silicone Hot-Handle Holder: 5-5/8" x 2", Orange, for seasoned-steel pans Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge ASER:![]() |
Silicone Egg Ring: 4" diameter, stainless steel handle Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge ASHH11:![]() |
Silicone Hot-Handle Holder: 5-5/8" x 2", Black Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge ASHH21:![]() |
Silicone Hot-Handle Holder: 5-5/8" x 2", Yellow Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge ASHH31:![]() |
Silicone Hot-Handle Holder: 5-5/8" x 2", Yellow Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge ASHH41:![]() |
Silicone Hot-Handle Holder: 5-5/8" x 2", Red Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge ASHH51:![]() |
Silicone Hot-Handle Holder: 5-5/8" x 2", Green Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge ASHH61:![]() |
Silicone Hot-Handle Holder: 5-5/8" x 2", Orange Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge ASHH91:![]() |
Silicone Hot-Handle Holder: 5-5/8" x 2", Purple Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge ASHHM11:![]() |
Mini-Silicone Hot-Handle Holder: fits most smaller Lodge items, Black Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge ASHHM41:![]() |
Mini-Silicone Hot-Handle Holder: fits most smaller Lodge items, Red Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge ASMMT:![]() |
Trivet: Silicone Surface, 5-5/8" Square x High Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge ASPHH11:![]() |
Silicone Hot-Handle Holder: 5" x 2-3/8", Black Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge ASPHH31:![]() |
Silicone Hot-Handle Holder: 5" x 2-3/8", Blue Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge ASPHH41:![]() |
Silicone Hot-Handle Holder: 5" x 2-3/8", Red Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge A-SPRAY:![]() |
Seasoning Spray: 9-ounce Can Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge ASPRHH11:![]() |
Silicone Hot-Handle Holder: fits Lodge P10S3, P12S3, P12SGR3 & P12SG3, Black Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge ASPRHH31:![]() |
Silicone Hot-Handle Holder: fits Lodge P10S3, P12S3, P12SGR3 & P12SG3, Blue Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge ASPRHH41:![]() |
Silicone Hot-Handle Holder: fits Lodge P10S3, P12S3, P12SGR3 & P12SG3, Red Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge HHBAN41:![]() |
Hot-Handle Holder: Hand Covers, 1 Pair, Bandana Color/Design Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge HHEGG:![]() |
Hot-Handle Holder: Hand Covers, 1 Pair, "Eggs" Color/Design Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge HHMT:![]() |
Max-Temp Oven Mitt: Black Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge K11SCRN:![]() |
Splatter Screen: 11" Diameter, 100% Stainless Steel Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge K13SCRN:![]() |
Splatter Screen: 13" Diameter, 100% Stainless Steel Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge LAT3:![]() |
Spoon Rest: 6" Long x 4½ Wide x 1" High Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge MITTMT:![]() |
Max-Temp Handle Mitt: Black Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge SCRAPERCOMBO:![]() |
:@@ Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge SCRAPERGPK:![]() |
Polycarbonate Grill-Pan Scrapers: 2-pack (one each red, black) Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge SCRAPERPK:![]() |
Polycarbonate Pan Scrapers: 2-pack (one each red, black) Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge SCRBRSH:![]() |
Scrub Brush: nylon bristles, wooden handle Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge CB101:![]() |
Camp Dutch Oven Cooking 101: 64 pages (free with camp ovens, except L6CO3) Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge CBCCR:![]() |
Cast-Iron Cooking: 50 recipes, 128 pages Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge CBCID:![]() |
Cast-Iron Cooking for Dummies: 150 recipes, 328 pages Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge CBCIN:![]() |
Cast Iron Nation: Great American Cooking From Coast to Coast: 200 recipes, 288 pages Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge CBGG:![]() |
Lodge Cast Iron Grilling Guide: 30 pages Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge CBIDOS:![]() |
Field Guide to Dutch Oven Cooking: 120 pages Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge CBIG:![]() |
Indoor-Grilling Cookbook: 128 pages Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge CBLCI:![]() |
The Lodge Cast-Iron Cookbook: 200+ recipes Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge CBSF:![]() |
A Skillet Full: 230 recipes, 195 pages Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge CBTT:![]() |
Texas Treasury of Dutch Oven Cooking: 234 pages Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge CBWR:![]() |
Winning Recipes: from the National Cornbread Festival, 64 pages Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
OUTDOOR: Cast-Iron Cooking Gear |
Lodge 3TP2:![]() |
Camp Tripod: 43½" legs, steel bar stock & galvanized chain Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge 5TP2:![]() |
Camp Tripod: 60" legs, steel bar stock & galvanized chain Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge A1-10:![]() |
Camp Dutch Oven Tote Bag: fits 10" ovens, padded-bottom, self-healing zipper Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge A1-12:![]() |
Camp Dutch Oven Tote Bag: fits 12" ovens, padded-bottom, self-healing zipper Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge A1-14:![]() |
Camp Dutch Oven Tote Bag: fits 14" ovens, padded-bottom, self-healing zipper Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge A1-410:![]() |
Grill Cover: PVC-backed heavy-duty black polyester w/elastic shock cord Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge A1-7:![]() |
Camp Dutch Oven Cooking Table Tote Bag: 100% polyester Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge A5:![]() |
Dutch-Oven Lid Lifter: 15" length Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge A5-1:![]() |
Charcoal Chimney Starter: 6½"diameter, 12" high, galvanized steel Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge A5-3:![]() |
Camp Dutch-Oven Lid Stand: 9" L x 2¾" H, stock, can convert lid to griddle Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge A5-4:![]() |
Stainless-Steel Tongs: 16" Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge A5-5:![]() |
Chuckwagon Dinner Bell: 9¾"L x 8½"W, black w/leather hang strap Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge A5-7:![]() |
Camp Dutch Oven Cooking Table: 32"L x 16"W x 26"H, folding legs, windscreen Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge A5DLL:![]() |
Dutch-Oven Lid Lifter: 16" length, glow-in-the-dark handles Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge A5DOL:![]() |
Camp Dutch Oven Liners: 8-pack, 20" diameter parchment-paper liners Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge ATP2:![]() |
Camp Tripod: fully adjustable for height & levelling, 40"-60" tall, w/tote bag Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge L10CO3:![]() |
Camp Dutch Oven: 4-Quart, 10" Diameter, 3½" Deep Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge L10DCO3:![]() |
Deep Camp Dutch Oven: 5-Quart, 10" Diameter, 4¼" Deep Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge L10SK3BS:![]() |
Skillet: 12" Diameter, 2" Deep, w/assist handle, bottom engraved w/BSA logo Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge L12CO3BS:![]() |
Camp Dutch Oven with lid: 6-Quart, 12" Diameter, 3¾" Deep, lid w/BSA logo Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge L12CO3:![]() |
Camp Dutch Oven: 6-Quart, 12" Diameter, 3¾" Deep Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge L12DCO3:![]() |
Deep Camp Dutch Oven: 8-Quart, 12" Diameter, 5" Deep Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge L14DCO3:![]() |
Deep Camp Dutch Oven: 10-Quart, 14" Diameter, 5" Deep Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge L410:![]() |
Hibachi-style Charcoal Grill: surface 17¼"L x 9"W, overall 19"L x10¼"W x 8¼"H Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge L8DOT3:![]() |
Dutch-Oven Trivet: 8" Diameter, prevents scorching Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge LMP3:![]() |
Cast Iron Melting Pot: 9⅜" Long x 5½" Wide x 3" High Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge OBBRSH:![]() |
Basting Brush: 18½" long x 2" wide x 2" high Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge OSPAT:![]() |
Spatula: 18⅛" long x 3¾" wide x 2⅛" high Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge OSPN:![]() |
Cooking Spoon: 18" long x 3" wide Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
Lodge OTONG:![]() |
Tongs: 16" long x 1¾" wide x 1¾" wide Sorry, not available Sorry, this item not available through Amazon. |
{End of Lodge listings.}
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This page was last modified on Thursday, 13 March 2025, at 2:40 pm Pacific Time.