"Produce! Produce!
Were it but the pitifullest infintesimal fraction
of a product, produce it in God's name!
'Tis the utmost thou hast in thee: out with it, then."
—Thomas Carlyle
Electrolux Professional, a "commercial"-equipment subsidiary of Electrolux, has apparently much reorganized their line of offerings in recent years. As always, however (and like most or all cooking-equipment makers), their web site makes it somewhere from difficult to impossible to identify all their products. It looks as if (but this wants confirming) they market induction equipment under three sub-brands: "Libero", which is countertop plug-in units (3, apparently); their "S90" line of battleship-level commercial gear; and "Elco", with two series, the 700 and the 900. All that remains to be confirmed, but it looks like 20 items all told. (There is also one item in a "EM" line that a search for "induction" does not turn up at once.)
As always in these listings, we give these standard general—
Important notes on these data:
Because we are still gathering data on these units, below we simply link you to a document on their S-90 line, which includes induction equipment as well as a lot of other things. It's a PDF document, so just open it and search for "induction".
We found one Electrolux Professional EM model:
Electrolux Professional 169107 (AIZ16): 2-Zone Electric Induction Top 16 Inches
We found three Electrolux Professional Libero models:
We found eight Electrolux Professional Elco models:
700 series models—
900 series models—
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This page was last modified on Monday, 22 January 2024, at 12:46 am Pacific Time.