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Jenn-Air Induction Hobs

"Produce! Produce!
Were it but the pitifullest infintesimal fraction
of a product, produce it in God's name!
'Tis the utmost thou hast in thee: out with it, then."

—Thomas Carlyle

General Jenn-Air Information

Jenn-Air is a part of the Whirlpool group (Whirlpool is now the #2 worldwide appliance giant, behind only Electrolux), as are Kitchenaid, Maytag, and of course Whirlpool itself; there are, at the least for some models, clear parallelisms (arguably identity) across those brands, but at—of course—different price points. (Multiple branding of virtually identical appliances, each aimed at a different market segment and thus priced basically on "brand image" is very common in the "white goods" line).

Whirlpool has apparently decided that the Jenn-air line will be marketed as their "upmarket" brand (as compared to more workaday Kitchenaid): Jenn-Air stopped allowing retail prices to be posted on line, and soon after put in place a territorial restriction such that dealers can only sell with a 150-mile radius (which means that we at The Induction Site can only sell within 150 miles of our suppliers' locations). If you, like us, find such information and sales restrictions obnoxious, look into the Kitchenaid line, which parallels the Jenn-air product line at lower cost.

Some time back, Jenn-Air had had some "hybrid" part-induction units on the market, but those disappeared some while ago, taking Jenn-Air out of the induction business. Jenn-Air has now re-entered the U.S. market with the more or less standard full-induction cooktop pair, a 30- and a 36-inch unit, each available in two trim variants.

Jenn-Air Induction-Unit Data

As always in these listings, we give these standard general—

Important notes on these data:

  1. We have spent a lot of time hunting these data--often in several places for each individual unit--but we cannot and do not guarantee any datum to be correct (indeed, we often found conflicting data at different sources). Caveat emptor!

  2. For those units we offer for sale, the prices shown are never over a day old. For other items, the prices shown are the lowest we found with moderate but not fanatic searching; moreover, they are not updated very often and are only intended as a rough guide to comparative unit values in cost/power terms.

  3. Most "Features" are not terribly important, and are nearly standard among roughly similar units, regardless of brand name. If some "feature"--shown or omitted--is especially important to you, check on it, because we did not take great pains over the "Features" data.

  4. Dimensions given here are, as the makers themselves warn, only to be used as guidelines in planning--never do anything (such as cutting a countertop) till you have your actual unit to hand.

  5. A very important unit datum is the "MaxPower" value. Many units show individual-element powers that add up to impressive totals that the unit cannot really supply. That is not a defect or some form of cheating: it is "power sharing", a clever and useful feature; but, unless the maker is unusually open about data, one can easily be misled into believeing that the unit as a whole is more powerful than it is. Your dollars are buying cooking power, and you need to be well aware of just what you are paying for in actual cost/power terms for the unit as a whole.

  6. Similar to power sharing (though less flexible) is the "power boost" feature many units have on some or all of their elements. (That feature allows a "boosted" element to temporarily, for some short period--rarely specified, but typically 10 minutes or so--run at some set level well over its nominal power, to help with tasks like getting large pots of water to boiling.) As with true power sharing, if one is not careful, one can get an incorrect impression of the true total power capability of the unit as a whole, which, as we just said, is basically what your dollars are buying.

(For much fuller information on power, read our page Kitchen Electricity 101.)

We found 6 Jenn-Air models (including two modular units):

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Jenn-Air JIC4430XB
(maker's product page)
similar model: Kitchenaid KICU509XBL

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Jenn-Air JIC4430XS
(maker's product page)
similar model: Kitchenaid KICU509XSS

Sorry, image not available.
Jenn-Air JIC4536XB
(maker's product page)
similar model: Kitchenaid KICU569XBL

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Jenn-Air JIC4536XS
(maker's product page)
similar model: Kitchenaid KICU569XBL

Sorry, image not available.
Jenn-Air JIC4715GS
(maker's product page)

Sorry, image not available.
Jenn-Air JIE4115GS
(maker's product page)



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This page was last modified on Monday, 22 January 2024, at 12:46 am Pacific Time.