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The Induction Site

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Induction Database

"It is time to choose."
—Wallace Stevens

Formerly this was an "interactive" database, wherein you could specify unit nominal width (such as "30 inches"), minimum element count, and maximum current draw. But since we have divided up our presentation of all available unit by nominal countertop width, such an interactive search becomes needless: almost all units of a given width have the same element count and the same current draw, so width alone pretty much determines the whole package.

What this page now does instead is to point out the few exceptions, and a few notable other special categories. Below those listings, which are relatively brief, are links whereby you can jump to a full listing for any given width of unit.

Quick page jumps:

Units With Unusual Current Draws

The norms of current draw are 40 amps for 30-inch units, 50 amps for 36-inch units, and 15 amps for "domino" units (12" to 15" wide); 24-inch units have no real norm, but there are only a very few of those. Induction-topped ranges normally want 50 amps. Note that in the U.S., circuit capability jumps from 30 amps to 50 amps (wiring capable of 40 amps is a size capable up to 50 amps), so a 40-amp unit requires 50-amp wiring, and so is effectively a 50-amp unit as far as wiring goes. Note also that while 20 amps is a load that does have its own wire size, it is unusual to find such a circuit unless it was expressly called out in a design, and 30 amps will probably otherwise be what is available. Units whose specifications give some odd number of amps have been rounded up to the nearest actual circuit size (relevant sizes in the U.S. are 15 amps, 20 amps, 30 amps, 50 amps, and 65 amps, which last is monster-sizing).

Though we say 15 amps is "normal" for "domino" units, they split almost evenly between 15-amp and 20-amp types, but we had to settle on something as "normal". Likewise, there is no "normal" for 42-inch units (of which there is only one so far).

Units drawing less than usual for their width

Units drawing more than usual for their width

Units With Unusual Element Counts

"Domino" types can be one or two elements, and you can just scan the Tabulation of such types. For 30-inch units, four is the normal count, and for 36-inch units, five is the normal count; note, though, that so far the so-called "zoneless" units (listed separately farther below) are 36-inch widths but will only accomodate four cooking vessels at a time. Units of 24-inch width are few and non-standard, so we don't list any "non-standard" element counts for them--if you want or need such a width, just review all of the few units available.

Units with fewer elements than usual for their width

Units with more elements than usual for their width

Units of Unusual Size

As nothing is narrower than a domino, this refers only to unusually wide units.

Units significantly wider than 36 Inches

Units With Unusual Features

These are not easily noted save by examining every unit's specifications, but to some people they are important.

Units with element bridging

(allows a pair of elements to effectively be combined into a single long element for odd-shaped cooking vessels):

Units with shutoff timers

(Those are timers that actually shut off an element—not just buzz—at countdown.)

Note: this particular list may be out of date!

Units With Unusual Surface Colors

Though black is nearly a de facto standard, there are exceptions.

Build-In Unit Listings By Nominal Width

Each list shows all units of that nominal width:



Perhaps interested in growing some of your own vegetables and fruits to cook with? Click here to visit the Growing Taste gourmet home-gardening web site!
Like wine with your food (or on its own)? Click here to visit That Useful Wine Site: advice & recommendations for both novices and experts.

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This page was last modified on Monday, 22 January 2024, at 12:46 am Pacific Time.