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The Induction Site

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30" Build-In Units

"It is time to choose."
—Wallace Stevens

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(If you are already well familiar with how the listings work, you can "cut the cackle and get to the hosses".)
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Only a few years ago, the availability of induction-cooking equipment in the United States was extremely limited (though worldwide it was expansive). Today, the choices in the U.S. are become many, and even so are growing almost weekly as more and more makers jump into this expanding market. We used to have a single page listing all available units, but we had to leave off a lot of data to make the unit entries all fit in a reasonable space. We have now elected to separate out the listings by approximate unit width; that seems reasonable, as most people looking for a unit know how much countertop space they have available, so it is easier to just look at units of that width (and you can certainly look at every listing page if you're not sure yet what size you need).

This page presents all the units available (in the U.S.) of a 30-inch-width (give or take a bit). To see listings of units of other widths, click on the appropriate size in the list below:

This page presents information only on so-called "residential" units, which are called that to distinguish them from "commercial" units—which latter are made for use in restaurants, catering, and suchlike high-stress environments. While residential equipment is an impossible choice for a commercial environment, the reverse is not necessarily true: indeed, the only barrier to commercial induction equipment in the home kitchen is price, and the differential is often not so large as you might think. (Gas commercial equipment is usually almost impossible in a home kitchen, owing to the tremendous amounts of waste heat given off, plus the grotesque weight of such commercial units; but this is induction—we're out of the stone age now.) If you like, you can also review our listings of commercial equipment (you might want to look at—for one example—the Cooktek line).

Note also that the tabulations on those pages are further limited to build-in units—that is, those set into a cutout in a countertop as permanent installations. There are, of course, also numerous freestanding countertop-type units, and we have a separate page tabulating all those freestanding countertop induction units—again, limited to those for residential use, with the same hint that you might also look at corresponding commercial equipment.

The listing pages present only some basic data on each unit—they are summaries, not full presentations. For the full data on a given unit, click on its model number.

To help you make sense of the many listings on each page, we strenuously recommend that you review our page here on the principles of selecting a unit.

All data presented (except cost-related ones) are taken from either the maker's web site or, if we have it, the maker's manual for the item. Regrettably, that is no guarantee of accuracy, because many makers publish incomplete or, worse, incorrect data on their web sites (and often even in their manuals); we just do the best we can. From this page, clicking on any particular model number listed here will cause a full data page for that unit to open in a new browser window. That page will have a colored box (the colors, incidentally, both for those boxes and for the background of the table here, are keyed to the countertop width of the units) giving a full, standard set of data for the unit, plus a large image or two of it. On the same page will be buying information—usually from several competing sellers—for that unit, meaning its price and shipping costs (if any—many of the units we sell ship free). If you want the unit, you can click on one or another of the sellers' listings and be taken to that seller's page for the unit where, if you then so choose, you can actually buy the unit.

We try to list for sale every unit available in the U.S. But we will not and do not list any unit for sale unless we believe the sellers' offers include either the very lowest price around, or are at worst very closely competitive. There are a lot of sellers out there, but we have put time and effort into assuring that the ones whose listings we display are—by consumer feedback—highly reputable and respected; in that connection, it is probably apt to recall John Ruskin's famous remark on prices:
There is absolutely nothing in the world that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a little cheaper; and the people who consider price only are this man's lawful prey.
If you find this web site useful and helpful, please support it when it buying time comes by buying your unit through us. For more on why, and how it works, please read our page entitled Why Buy Here? Thank you.

The actual cost and the derived dollars-per-kilowatt figures in the various tables are, in most cases, live, real-time data (that is, never more than 24 hours old) from the retailers we work with; in a few cases, though—those we do not list for sale here for which real-time price data are thus not readily available to us—we use static data hand-entered periodically. Those few cases are all clearly marked out in the table with an asterisk * after the dollars-per-kilowatt figure. Generally, the dollars in the $/kW figure are lowest base prices (that is, shipping, if any, is not reckoned); that's not critical, as it is only when the figures are very different that it matters—small differences from model to model are not that important (and in fact they are each rounded off to the nearest $5).

We go to some lengths to try to assure that the data we present are accurate and complete, but—as common sense should suggest—we cannot warrant these data, which are presented for solely your convenience and guidance; the makers of the subject equipment are the sole and final source of definite data, and the selected vendors of actual prices. So nyah, nyah, all you lawyers.

Finally, remember that we continue to develop all our pages. We're always triple-checking things like dimensions and available on-line documents, and looking for new units (or any obscure ones we might have overlooked), so do check back in periodically.

Nowadays, more and more appliance makers are trying to limit your opportunities to buy their products over the internet; that, presumably, is to protect their networks of regional retail stores, so that to buy such a brand, you have to go into a local store, ask the price, and let the sales staff try to close the deal. Right now, the makers who will not let an online store deliver their products to customers more than a hundred or so miles away (it varies with maker) include: GE's "Monogram" line (but not their "Profile" line); Kitchenaid; Thermador; Viking; and Wolf. Gaggenau claims to forbid internet sales, period; Wolf, while not actually forbidding it, campaigns heavily against it. (Note that Gaggenau and Thermador are both part of the BSH conglomerate.) Other makers, such as Jenn-Air—besides the ones already mentioned concerning territoriality—dislike or forbid the publication (online or off) of prices (sellers can display the notorious "MSRP"—Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price—a phony "sticker price" like that on new cars), but not the actual street price they're willing to sell at. We think that is a ghastly, and, to be frank, vile way to do business. It artificially shelters a few dealers at the expense of, yes, you ("Ask not for whom the cash register tolls."). But it's the way the industry works right now, and we have accomodated to it as best we can.

The listings below are sorted by cost per total unit power (with separate sorts within each sub-category, if any). For some units, the price is unavailable for posting here, usually owing to the maker's restrictions on internet sales as described just above; such units will fall at the end of their sub-category.

The Units

30"-Wide induction Cooktops: The Listings

The NUTID induction unit. IKEA NUTID
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

7.4 kW total unit power
(requires 40 Ampere circuit)

$999.00 lowest base price
(that is, without any shipping charges)

$135 approximate cost per kW
(reckoned only on base price)

·  Sorry, no product literature available.

Notes: can only be bought direct from IKEA.
   Jump to top 

The BCIRC30 induction unit. Big Chill BCIRC30
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

7.4 kW total unit power
(requires 40 Ampere circuit)

$2,195.00 lowest base price
(that is, without any shipping charges)

$297 approximate cost per kW
(reckoned only on base price)

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Specifications
·  Shipping Policy

Notes: can only be bought direct from Big Chill.
   Jump to top 

The VECTIM304 induction unit. Verona VECTIM304
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

6.4 kW total unit power
(requires 30 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Operation Manual
·  Installation Manual
·  Spec Sheet

Notes: none.
   Jump to top 

The SINC430220 induction unit. Summit SINC430220
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

6.8 kW total unit power
(requires 40 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Brochure
·  Manual
·  Glass Top Use & Care Guide
·  Drawings

Notes: none.
   Jump to top 

The SIMU530B induction unit. Smeg SIMU530B
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

7.1 kW total unit power
(requires 40 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Manual
·  Specifications
·  Warranty
·  Tech Drawing
·  Spec Sheet

Notes: none.
   Jump to top 

The NITP068UC induction unit. Bosch NITP068UC
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

7.2 kW total unit power
(requires 30 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Spec Sheet
·  User Manual
·  Installation
·  Warranty

Notes: left element pair can be run as one double-element.
   Jump to top 

The NITP068SUC induction unit. Bosch NITP068SUC
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

7.2 kW total unit power
(requires 30 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Spec Sheet
·  User Manual
·  Installation
·  Warranty

Notes: left element pair can be run as one double-element.
   Jump to top 

The IFA-80AL induction unit. Fagor IFA-80AL
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

7.2 kW total unit power
(requires 30 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  User Manual
·  Warranty

Notes: stainless-steel trim.
   Jump to top 

The IFA-80BF induction unit. Fagor IFA-80BF
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

7.2 kW total unit power
(requires 30 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  User Manual
·  Warranty

Notes: bevelled.
   Jump to top 

The IFA-80BN induction unit. Fagor IFA-80BN
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

7.2 kW total unit power
(requires 30 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Specifications
·  Installation Instructions
·  AutoCAD files
·  Warranty

Notes: grey glass surface.
   Jump to top 

The NIT5068UC induction unit. Bosch NIT5068UC
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

7.2 kW total unit power
(requires 30 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Spec Sheet
·  User Manual
·  Installation
·  Warranty

Notes: none.
   Jump to top 

The NIT8068UC induction unit. Bosch NIT8068UC
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

7.2 kW total unit power
(requires 30 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Spec Sheet
·  User Manual
·  Installation
·  Warranty

Notes: AutoChef® fry-temp feature.
   Jump to top 

The NIT8068SUC induction unit. Bosch NIT8068SUC
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

7.2 kW total unit power
(requires 30 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Spec Sheet
·  User Manual
·  Installation
·  Warranty

Notes: AutoChef® fry-temp feature.
   Jump to top 

The CI282-610 induction unit. Gaggenau CI282-610
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

7.2 kW total unit power
(requires 30 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Planning Notes
·  Specifications
·  Use & Care
·  Installation Instructions
·  Warranty
·  CAD Files

Notes: none.
   Jump to top 

The CTI304D induction unit. WindCrest CTI304D
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

7.2 kW total unit power
(requires 30 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Care and Use Manuals
·  Installation Instructions
·  Install Quick Specs
·  FAQs

Notes: none.
   Jump to top 

The KICU509XBL induction unit. KitchenAid KICU509XBL
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

7.3 kW total unit power
(requires 40 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Use & Care Manual
·  Installation Instructions
·  Warranty

Notes: bevelled edges.
   Jump to top 

The JIC4430XS induction unit. Jenn-Air JIC4430XS
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

7.3 kW total unit power
(requires 40 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Use & Care Guide
·  Installation Instructions
·  Dimension Guide
·  Using With Oven Under
·  Warranty

Notes: stainless-steel trim.
   Jump to top 

The JIC4430XB induction unit. Jenn-Air JIC4430XB
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

7.3 kW total unit power
(requires 40 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Use & Care Guide
·  Installation Instructions
·  Dimension Guide
·  Using With Oven Under
·  Warranty

Notes: bevelled edges.
   Jump to top 

The F7IT30S1 induction unit. Fulgor Milano F7IT30S1
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

7.4 kW total unit power
(requires 30 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Data Sheet
·  Use &Care Manual
·  Installation
·  Cutout & Dimensions

Notes: none.
   Jump to top 

The CI304DTB2 induction unit. Fisher & Paykel CI304DTB2
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

7.4 kW total unit power
(requires 40 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  User Guide
·  Installation
·  Quick Reference
·  Data Sheet
·  CAD drawings
·  Warranty

Notes: none.
   Jump to top 

The P304IAE induction unit. Bertazzoni P304IAE
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

7.4 kW total unit power
(requires 40 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Installation, Use, & Care Manual
·  Specification Sheet
·  Installation Drawings

Notes: none.
   Jump to top 

The GCI3061XB induction unit. Whirlpool GCI3061XB
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

7.4 kW total unit power
(requires 40 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Owner's Manual
·  Installation Instructions
·  Dimension Guide
·  Warranty

Notes: none.
   Jump to top 

The CHP9530SJSS induction unit. GE CHP9530SJSS
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

7.4 kW total unit power
(requires 40 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Quick Specifications
·  Owner's Manual
·  Installation Instructions

Notes: grey finish, bevelled edges, bridged element pair.
   Jump to top 

The PHP9030SJSS induction unit. GE PHP9030SJSS
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

7.4 kW total unit power
(requires 40 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Quick Specifications
·  Owner's Manual
·  Installation Instructions

Notes: stainless-steel trim, bridged element pair.
   Jump to top 

The PHP9030DJBB induction unit. GE PHP9030DJBB
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

7.4 kW total unit power
(requires 40 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Quick Specifications
·  Owner's Manual
·  Installation Instructions

Notes: bevelled edges, bridged element pair.
   Jump to top 

The KICU500XBL induction unit. KitchenAid KICU500XBL
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

7.4 kW total unit power
(requires 40 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Use & Care Guide
·  Installation Instructions
·  Dimension Guide
·  Warranty

Notes: bevelled edges.
   Jump to top 

The KICU500XSS induction unit. KitchenAid KICU500XSS
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

7.4 kW total unit power
(requires 40 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Use & Care Guide
·  Installation Instructions
·  Dimension Guide
·  Warranty

Notes: stainless-steel trim.
   Jump to top 

The 43820 induction unit. Kenmore 43820
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

7.4 kW total unit power
(requires 40 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  User Manual
·  Installation Manual

Notes: left element pair "bridges" for long pans;
"Elite" line, stainless steel front & back.

   Jump to top 

The 43800 induction unit. Kenmore 43800
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

7.4 kW total unit power
(requires 40 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  User Manual
·  Installation Manual

Notes: stainless-steel front-edge trim.
   Jump to top 

The ZHU30RSJSS induction unit. GE Monogram ZHU30RSJSS
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

7.4 kW total unit power
(requires 40 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Quick Specifications
·  Manual
·  Installation Instructions

Notes: mirrored-metal finish, bridged element pair.
   Jump to top 

The ZHU30RDJBB induction unit. GE Monogram ZHU30RDJBB
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

7.4 kW total unit power
(requires 40 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Quick Specifications
·  Manual
·  Installation Instructions

Notes: mirrored-metal finish, bridged element pair.
   Jump to top 

The KICU509XSS induction unit. KitchenAid KICU509XSS
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

7.4 kW total unit power
(requires 40 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Use & Care Manual
·  Installation Instructions
·  Warranty

Notes: stainless-steel trim.
   Jump to top 

The CIT304KB induction unit. Thermador CIT304KB
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

7.4 kW total unit power
(requires 40 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Design Guide
·  Use Instructions
·  Installation Instructions

Notes: black-mirrored top.
   Jump to top 

The CIT304KBB induction unit. Thermador CIT304KBB
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

7.4 kW total unit power
(requires 40 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Design Guide
·  Use Instructions
·  Installation Instructions

Notes: black-mirrored top, frameless.
   Jump to top 

The CIT304KM induction unit. Thermador CIT304KM
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

7.4 kW total unit power
(requires 40 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Design Guide
·  Use Instructions
·  Installation Instructions

Notes: silver-mirrored top.
   Jump to top 

The MVIC6304BBG induction unit. Viking MVIC6304BBG
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

7.4 kW total unit power
(requires 40 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Use and Care Manual
·  Installation Instructions
·  Warranty

Notes: none.
   Jump to top 

The FPIC3077RF induction unit. Frigidaire FPIC3077RF
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

7.65 kW total unit power
(requires 40 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Owner's Manual
·  Specifications
·  Installation Instructions
·  Wiring Diagram

Notes: has bridged element pair.
   Jump to top 

The VIC5304BST induction unit. Viking VIC5304BST
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

7.7 kW total unit power
(requires 40 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Use and Care Manual
·  Installation Instructions
·  Specifications
·  Warranty

Notes: none.
   Jump to top 

The E30IC80QSS induction unit. Electrolux ICON E30IC80QSS
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

8.05 kW total unit power
(requires 40 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Specifications
·  Owner's Guide (w/warranty)
·  Installation Instructions
·  Wiring Diagram

Notes: none.
   Jump to top 

The FGIC3067MB induction unit. Frigidaire FGIC3067MB
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

8.05 kW total unit power
(requires 40 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Owner's Manual
·  Specifications
·  Installation Instructions
·  Wiring Diagram

Notes: none.
   Jump to top 

The CI304TS induction unit. Wolf CI304TS
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

8.2 kW total unit power
(requires 40 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Quick Reference Guide
·  Use & Care Guide (w/warranty info)
·  Installation Guide
·  Design Guide

Notes: stainless-steel trim, framed.
   Jump to top 

The CI304TFS induction unit. Wolf CI304TFS
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

8.2 kW total unit power
(requires 40 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Quick Reference Guide
·  Use & Care Guide (w/warranty info)
·  Installation Guide
·  Design Guide

Notes: stainless-steel trim.
   Jump to top 

The CI304CB induction unit. Wolf CI304CB
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

8.2 kW total unit power
(requires 40 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Quick Reference Guide: Flush Installation
·  Quick Reference Guide: Standard Installation
·  Use & Care Guide (w/warranty info)
·  Installation Guide
·  Design Guide

Notes: frameless.
   Jump to top 

The EW30IC60LB induction unit. Electrolux EW30IC60LB
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

8.25 kW total unit power
(requires 40 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Owner's Guide
·  Installation Instructions
·  Warranty

Notes: bevelled edges.
   Jump to top 

The EW30IC60LS induction unit. Electrolux EW30IC60LS
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

8.25 kW total unit power
(requires 40 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Owner's Guide
·  Installation Instructions
·  Warranty

Notes: stainless-steel trim.
   Jump to top 

The KM6360 induction unit. Miele KM6360
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

8.35 kW total unit power
(requires 40 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Specifications
·  Product Manual
·  2D CAD Drawings
·  2D Elevation CAD Drawings
·  3D CAD Drawings
·  Warranty

Notes: has bridged element pair.
   Jump to top 

The KM6365 induction unit. Miele KM6365
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

8.35 kW total unit power
(requires 40 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Specifications
·  Product Manual
·  2D CAD Drawings
·  2D Elevation CAD Drawings
·  3D CAD Drawings
·  Warranty

Notes: has bridged element pair; trimless, for flush mounting.
   Jump to top 

The NZ30K7880UG induction unit. Samsung NZ30K7880UG
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

8.6 kW total unit power
(requires 40 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Owner's Manual
·  Warranty

Notes: trim is dark-tone stainless steel.
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The NZ30K7880US induction unit. Samsung NZ30K7880US
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

8.6 kW total unit power
(requires 40 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Owner's Manual
·  Warranty

Notes: trim is standard bright stainless steel.
   Jump to top 

The DTI30M977BB induction unit. Dacor DTI30M977BB
30-inch-wide 4-element induction cooktop

9.0 kW total unit power
(requires 40 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Care and Use Manual
·  Installation Instructions
·  Planning Guide

Notes: bridgeable FlexZone™ plus "Virtual Flame"™.
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The DYTT305NB induction unit. Dacor DYTT305NB
30-inch-wide 5-element induction cooktop

9.25 kW total unit power
(requires 50 Ampere circuit)

no price found:

n/a approximate cost per kW

Product literature (click on an item to see it):

·  Care and Use Manual
·  Installation Instructions
·  Planning Guide

Notes: none.
   Jump to top 



Perhaps interested in growing some of your own vegetables and fruits to cook with? Click here to visit the Growing Taste gourmet home-gardening web site!
Like wine with your food (or on its own)? Click here to visit That Useful Wine Site: advice & recommendations for both novices and experts.

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This page was last modified on Saturday, 22 February 2025, at 6:41 pm Pacific Time.