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The Induction Site

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Miele KM6377

"It's no fish ye're buying."
—Robert Falcon Scott

(For general information about buying equipment through this site, please read this page; for general information about induction itself and its pros and cons, browse this entire site, perhaps starting with our page on how induction works.)

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About the Miele KM6377 Induction build-in cooktop

General Description

This is an unusual 42-inch-width unit; it not only has the increasingly popular feature of allowing two individual elements to be operated as one double-length element for use with long or odd-sized pans (such as fish pans), it has two such extensible pairs. It also has a large, powerful single element, making five total when the pairing is not invoked.


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Miele KM6377
(maker's product page)


Perhaps interested in growing some of your own vegetables and fruits to cook with? Click here to visit the Growing Taste gourmet home-gardening web site!
Like wine with your food (or on its own)? Click here to visit That Useful Wine Site: advice & recommendations for both novices and experts.

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This page was last modified on Friday, 26 July 2024, at 9:00 am Pacific Time.